Cabinet Kais FEKIH

Chartered Accountant and Certified Public Accountant in Tunisia



Our Advisory experts work across the corporate financial situation covering areas as diverse as profitability...
The office is an accredited auditor of the Fair Labor Association (U.S.A) and the Fair Wear Foundation (Netherlands)...
The firm allows you to create your company in only one trip to Tunisia (No travel when there is a banking agreement)...
Le cabinet est spécialisé dans les missions de due diligence financière et comptable et prend en...
Our office is an expert on foreign exchange and currency transactions and manage all negotiation of related...
One of our core services is the audit and Certified Public Accountant in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria...
We evaluate the risks associated with your information system by studying all dimensions impacted...
We have a high level skills in accounting assistance, Tax advisory and Corporate support...


“CKF is a chartered accountant firm, providing highest quality services in accounting, organizations, audit and related professional services.”

We consistently strive to provide exceptional, industry specific services to our clients and maintain a dynamic work environment that encourages personal and professional growth for all our employees.


Create your company in Tunisia
Créez votre ENTREPRISE simplement et rapidement !

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